
Artifacts involving transgender people

“A Typology of Transsexualism: Gender Identity Theory and Data”

An academic paper that classifies trans women into three groups—heterosexual, homosexual, and asexual


“The Classification and Labeling of Nonhomosexual Gender Dysphorias”

A paper in which the author attempts to categorize transgender people by their sexual orientation, including asexuals


“Transvestite and Transsexual Liberation”

An article on trans liberation which mentions asexuality


Gender Flex, vol. 4, iss. 23

An article in a queer newsjournal that mentions that trans men can be of any orientation, including asexual

Transvestia, vol. 9, no. 52

A newsournal about crossdressing (“transvestism”) that classifies different kinds of crossdressers, including aseuxals


TV Guise, vol. 1, iss. 9

An article in a newsjournal that calls on all kinds of queer folks, including asexuals, to form a PAC