Artifacts involving asexual people
Asexuality LiveJournal
An asexual LiveJournal community, which was one of the first sex-positive asexual discussion forums
Asexuality on Dear Abby
The term “asexual” is used in a response to a Dear Abby letter
Conversation on gender role definitions
A talk show conversation about gender roles and raising children which mentions asexuality
Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia
An entry in an encyclopedia of human sexuality that mentions asexuality
Introduction of the asexual pride flag
The asexual pride flag is proposed, designed, voted on, and decided on across a series of AVEN forum threads.
Jim Sinclair’s Articles About Intersexuality
A series of essays on Jim Sinclair’s personal blog in which xe talks about being intersex and asexual
Leather Spinsters: Asexuality
A page on the website for the Leather Spinsters dedicated to their asexual members
Library of Asexual Nonfiction
A bibliography of nonfiction books about asexuality
Nat Titman’s talk at WorldPride Asexual Conference
A talk at WorldPride Asexual Conference 2012 on early asexual history
Sexuality: An AUS Women’s Department Poster
A queer feminist poster by the Australian Union of Students (AUS) Women’s Department. References both asexuality and celibacy.
Tharunka Student Sex Survey Results
Results from an Australian (NSW) student survey where 2% of respondents said they were “asexual (i.e. no sex drive)”.
The Asexual Coalition
A site that defines asexuality as abstaining from romantic and sexual relationships
William Burroughs interviews David Bowie
An interview with David Bowie in which he talks about asexuality