Artifacts from the 1970s
Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love
The book which first introduced the concept of “limerence”
Off Our Backs, vol. 3, no. 5
An issue of a feminist news journal that mentions asexuality
The Asexual Manifesto
A paper by the Asexual Caucus of the New York Radical Feminists
The MacNeil/Lehrer Report The Briggs Initiative
A talk show conversation about the legislation surrounding gay schoolteachers, which mentions asexuality
Woroni, vol. 24, no. 8
An article from an Australian student magazine discussing bisexuality and whether it could be better understood as a form of asexuality.
Asexual Research Bibliography
A comprehensive bibliography of academic research on asexuality
Conversation on gender role definitions
A talk show conversation about gender roles and raising children which mentions asexuality
Sexuality: An AUS Women’s Department Poster
A queer feminist poster by the Australian Union of Students (AUS) Women’s Department. References both asexuality and celibacy.
William Burroughs interviews David Bowie
An interview with David Bowie in which he talks about asexuality