
All artifacts


An early discussion about aspec identities between allosexual and asexual


“Glad to be asexual”

An in-depth article on asexuality published in New Scientist where the author meets David Jay.

Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia

An entry in an encyclopedia of human sexuality that mentions asexuality

“Word of the Day: Queerplatonic”

The term “queerplatonic” is first introduced on Tumblr by its coiner


“Sexual Roles Historically Stressed To Serve Society”

A newspaper article in which the author suggests that every person is, at their core, asexual


“A history of asexuality”

A timeline of asexual history, with a major focus on early online asexual communities


“World of Women; Speeches from the Lesbian Feminist Dialogue Conference”

A speaker talks about solidarity between groups of women, including celibates, asexuals, and virgins


A Carnival of Aces

A monthly blogging carnival centered on the asexual spectrum


“The Evolution of Online Asexual Discourse”

An academic dissertation on asexual history and online asexual discourse from the late 1990s to the early 2010s

“For Them, Just Saying No Is Easy”

An article in the New York Times about asexuality


“Asexuality BC (Before Cake)”

A personal recounting of early asexual history by an early AVEN member


TNGirlTech’s Asexualism Page

A pre-AVEN FAQ page on asexuality


“A Genealogy of Queerplatonic”

A blog post tracking the etymology and development of the term “queerplatonic”


Gender Flex, vol. 11, iss. 14

An article in a queer newsjournal that mentions and defines “asexual” and “onosexual”


“Atypical sexualities face oppression”

A newspaper article in which a sex therapist expresses concern about celibates being labelled as asexual


David Jay on The View

David Jay, founder of AVEN, is interviewed on ABC’s The View


Off Our Backs, vol. 3, no. 5

An issue of a feminist news journal that mentions asexuality


“Asexual Chic: Everybody’s Not Doing It”

A newspaper story in which various self-professed asexual people are interviewed


“Mental Health Implications of Sexual Orientation”

A study on the correlation between mental health and sexual orientation which includes asexual people as a sample group


“The Innocent Bystander: Asexual Militancy”

An interview with the president of the Asexual Liberation Movement