
All artifacts

“Asexual sex”

The term “demisexual” is coined in an AVEN forum thread



An early example of pathologization of asexual people in medical literature and use of the term “asexual”

“In pursuit of high-concept movies”

A newspaper article which describes a film as being about two asexual characters


Toby on Sally

Toby (Jim Sinclair) being interviewed on the talk show Sally


“Eunuch Lib: No More Sex!”, Berkeley Barb

An article in the newspaper Berkeley Barb which posits that young people are choosing to be asexual


“Black rings and other ways to show asexual pride”

The tradition of asexuals wearing a black ring is introduced in an AVEN forum thread


Asexuality on Dear Abby

The term “asexual” is used in a response to a Dear Abby letter

The Asexual Coalition

A site that defines asexuality as abstaining from romantic and sexual relationships


“The Fourth Sexuality”

A blog post where the author identifies as nonsexual and talks about the invalidation they face


William Burroughs interviews David Bowie

An interview with David Bowie in which he talks about asexuality


“Asexuals have problems too”

A satirical article about the prevalence of sex in society from the perspective of a fictionalized asexual


“Toby: An Asexual Person”

An excerpt from a textbook describing a neuter person


Fifth Estate, vol. 9, no. 4

A reader calls out the news journal Fifth Estate for overlooking the oppression of asexuals


“St. Louis Woman Needs Therapy To Deal With Lack of Interest”

An advice columnist suggests that a reader’s asexuality is the result of anxiety and inhibitions


The Satanic Bible

A book describing asexuals as being “sexually subliminated” by non-sexual interests

Sappho und Sokrates

A formative academic work in legitimizing queer identities which recognizes asexual people

The Asexual Manifesto

A paper by the Asexual Caucus of the New York Radical Feminists

The MacNeil/Lehrer Report The Briggs Initiative

A talk show conversation about the legislation surrounding gay schoolteachers, which mentions asexuality


Asexual Research Bibliography

A comprehensive bibliography of academic research on asexuality


“A thought: ‘WTFromantic’”

The term “quoiromantic” is coined in a blog post